Is The Depot any good?

Of course that’s the wrong question. I can cast eyes across the net at the many wonderful models by modelers that I admire and I can see that in several areas my own humble efforts come up a little short.

However all that is fine. With no modelling skills whatsoever I knew that building my first layout was going to be a challenge and that I needed to be easy on myself during the process. Rather than get bogged down at any stage trying to make it perfect I followed Allen McClelland’s famous ‘good enough’ principle: make it good enough to fit into the overall picture but keep moving.

I created a very clear set of goals for this first layout and made sure I stuck to them.

  1. Finish the layout.
  2. Stay focused on the big picture.
  3. Don’t get bogged down: do the best you can and then move on.
  4. Pick out a few essential features to really make a big effort on and save the rest for reworking in phase two: tracklaying, bench work, wiring were prioritized; everything else was secondary.
  5. Practice new methods and use new materials as much as possible.
  6. Have fun.

As my goals were largely based around my basic skills and the desire to learn I kept them limited and realistic. When I look over the layout now I see that I achieved most of what I wanted for this first phase. From that perspective I think The Depot is pretty good and has given me a solid foundation of skills to move ahead with.

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